More praise for the series…

“My 1 year old twins absolutely love this book. So much that they ate it to pieces.”

“My toddler fights her way out of my arms to grab/request this book to read. We read it upwards of 10 times a day.” 

“I started reading this to my daughter when she was around 5 months old. At 14 months, it's one of the few books that has held her attention consistently.”

“It’s a cute concept and the photographs are adorable. Gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.”

“Babies and doggies!! What more can I say?! My daughter's two favorite things in one book.” 

“Teaches empathy by drawing similarities between dogs and babies. My daughter has loved dogs since she could giggle, and she adores this book!”

“My daughter must've read this 20 times a day. Some of the pages are stuck together because she kisses it so much!”

“I have a feeling we will be reading this book until it’s completely worn out!”

“My 9 mo. old daughter will turn on a dime and crawl across the room as fast as she can if we ask her if she wants to read Babies and Doggies. In fact, we've started using that very handy feature regularly (ex: Baby shredding mom's magazine? Ask her if she wants to read Babies and Doggies! Baby crawling towards the dog's full water bowl? Ask her if she wants to read Babies and Doggies!) I'm not quite sure what it is, but this book never seems to get old!”

 “My 13 month old was late to bed tonight because of this book. He normally doesn't take to new books right away, but he was obsessed with this one!”

 “Babies LOVE these types of books that show little munchkins like them living their lives. This is adorable and I like that there's a more diverse range of babies represented!”

 “My daughter chooses it every time and loves to act out the pages. The photos are clear, illustrate helpful vocabulary and feature diverse faces. A win!”